Grace Community Church of Southern Maryland

Life in the Balance

Believers Living Out an Authentic Christianity

First, we try to be a group of local believers who act and behave as authentic believers should; loving God, loving one another, and loving their neighbors. When we act this way, most, if not all, of the essence and character described of the church universal should be exhibited and seen within the local church.

Believers Meeting Together

We gather together for certain purposes or functions described in Scripture. We see the following purposes/functions described in Scripture as it relates to the local church assembled: fellowship, taking meals together, worshipping God, prayer, teaching/discipleship, encouraging one another, participation in the Lord’s Supper, financial collections for the needy and in support of furthering the gospel, both at home and by supporting and sending workers around the world.

Believers Under a God-Ordained Leadership

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Head and Chief Shepherd of His Church, and He has provided for leadership of the local church in the form of elders whose responsibility it is to shepherd the local church.


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